Elementary and 5th grade students are busy practicing for the Christmas Program on Fri, Dec 6! Parents can see grade-specific details in the letters sent home with their children.
Here is the general schedule:
12:30 – 1:15 PreK, Kinder, 1st, 2nd
1:30 – 2:15 3rd, 4th, 5th
Visitors can enter through Gate 2 and exit through Gate 1. Parents must present a dismissal pass to leave campus with a student. If your children will go home differently from their normal routine that day, be sure to complete any necessary transportation updates through OnTrack by Mon, Dec 2 to ensure passes are prepared and vans can leave on time.
If you drive to school, we recommend parking in the Activar parking lot on Calle 222 near the Autopista, on the map below. ECA will provide shuttle service between Activar and the school from 11:30a to 2:00p.
#1: ECA: Only for ECA staff, providers, and those with mobility issues or baby strollers – limited space.
#2: Activar: 190 spaces, cost $5.000
ECA will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to personal property of vehicles parked on the streets. We normally have heavy traffic around the school entrances that could affect the vehicles parked there.
Bake Sale
The 12th grade class will be selling snacks during the program.
Ordering Lunch
If you would like to have lunch in the school cafeteria, contact pagos.asher@gmail.com or 315-345-4458 no later than Wed, Dec 4. These lunches will be available from 12:00 to 1:30.
DisNogal, ECA’s uniform supplier, will be on campus during the December 6 Christmas Program to take orders and answer questions. Their two sales points are Centro Comercial Cedritos and Centro Comercial Sabana Norte in Chía. You can contact them at 318-307-6826 or at this website.