For greatest efficiency, we strongly encourage all ECA families to use the OnTrack app for both attendance and transportation notifications. This one step ensures that all intended staff are notified. This is far better than sending emails with multiple cc’s.

OnTrack Allows:

  1. Parents to know where their children’s school van is on the road.
  1. Easy attendance notifications.
    • When a student will miss all or part of a day, the office must be notified in advance at least the school day before the absence. Use OnTrack for this notification. Secondary students also need to submit a signed Pre-Arranged Absence form.
    • If a student will unexpectedly miss all or part of a day, parents need to notify the school by 8:30a that day using OnTrack. The reason must be unforeseen and legitimate, or the absence will be marked as unexcused.
  1. Easy notification for temporary transportation changes.

NOTE: If a student needs a temporary change in their afternoon routine, the deadline to notify ECA is 11:00a.

If OnTrack is Not Working: Send an email to in advance (for pre-arranged absences) or by 8:30a the same day.

Additional attendance information can be found in the Handbook starting on page 14. If you need help with how to send a notification using OnTrack, read this tutorial in Spanish. If you need additional help, contact

If you would like to know more about the app, check out the resources on their website: