A. General Objectives

  1. To assist parents in providing for the spiritual, social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of their children
  2. To provide a program of formal education to meet the needs of the children of Christian families in a manner that is relevant to the present society as well as that in which they will eventually live
  3. To train and equip future generations of Christ-centered, bilingual servant-leaders who will transform their world
  4. To provide this education at a moderate cost

B. Biblical Principles

  1. All instruction is to be permeated with God’s Word, which is the standard for all spiritual, ethical, intellectual, and social training, as well as the guideline for a disciplined life.
  2. Biblically based education reflects God’s glory. His glory should be revealed through the Christian teacher who leads the student to interpret and integrate God’s truth in his/her study through carefully selected materials and methods.

C. Teacher Profile

  1. Committed Christian who:
    • Models Christ-like character and so demonstrates the reality of God’s truth
    • Guides the student in the study of God’s truth as revealed in His creation, His incarnate Word, and His written Word
    • Incorporates a variety of teaching methods that stimulate different learning styles.
  2. Academically competent
  3. Ever-learning and ever-growing in his/her academic disciplines, skills, and knowledge through personal study
  4. Committed to helping each student incorporate God’s truth into his/her life

D. School Environment

  1. Active and engaging
  2. A safe space
  3. Welcoming and positive
  4. Structured and predictable

E. Instruction

– Based on best practices

  1. Engages students in learning
  2. Is purposeful and rigorous
  3. Integrates biblical principles

F. Curriculum

  1. Research- and standards-based
  2. Biblical worldview and global perspective
  3. Intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, and emotional areas
  4. Teacher-friendly

G. Assessment

  1. Philosophy of Evaluation and Assessment
    • Based on curriculum, standards, and objectives
    • Meaningful/purposeful
    • Varied
    • Informative