Bad Impacts
There are a variety of negative impacts on our environment, but we are going to mention the most frequent ones.
To begin with, we will talk about air pollution. This type of pollution causes various types of damage to the environment such as global warming, droughts, and floods. The main contributing factors are: combustion vehicles, forest fires, the burning of waste and crops, and coal-fired electricity generating plants.
Another negative impact on the environment is water pollution. Its main negative consequences are: reduction of oxygen in the water, and illnesses or even death from drinking it. And the causes are: human and animal waste, detergents and agricultural fertilizer runoff into waters.
As the last contamination we have that of the earth and the soil. This is mainly caused by chemicals caused by man. Its consequences can be very serious. Well, contamination from the earth passes to our bodies through the food chain, being one of the main causes of the appearance of diseases.
After meditating on these disastrous contaminations, their terrible consequences, and our evil actions that cause them, it makes us aware of our environment and understand that we not only hurt nature but also ourselves. Friends, let’s be responsible for the trees, animals, and atmosphere that God lent us. We are not ashamed to return a destroyed gift. Let’s not be selfish, let’s think about others and the damage we do to them by throwing candy wrappers on the ground. Let’s open our eyes, let’s not wait until it’s too late. Together we can build a better place.
Good Impacts
We will continue with the good impacts we can have on our surroundings. We can’t change our environment with just a few people, we all need to compromise as a community, to be able to change it; we all must contribute to taking care of our planet and environment. We can have a good impact on our environment by being good stewards of everything GOD has given us. When we take care of GOD’s creation we glorify Him. We all know a few days ago we had to experience water rationing, since the water reservoirs were empty. So to prevent this from happening, something we can do is use minimal water and only for what is necessary.
Another good impact that we can have on our environment is by being more aware of the use of bags, packaging, etc. Instead of throwing them into the trash, let’s fill Bottles of Love which can help with all the pollution of waters and of earth.
Another way to take care of our environment is to use the bins properly. We usually throw our packages in whatever bin, and a little way of helping each other is by stopping before throwing something into the trash and searching for the right bin where your element belongs.
As we keep observing our surroundings, we can see we all use our cars very often, and this causes air pollution. Let’s instead walk or use public transportation. Air pollution reduces oxygen, so let’s plant and care for trees to be able to have more oxygen in our air. Because oxygen is one of the most important elements humans need to live. So, let’s take care of our environment as a community.
By Silvia Anaya (6th grade) and Luciana Piñeros (6th grade)