Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” If there is one thing the world needs is this kind of hope.  Hope for peace, love, goodness, forgiveness, and a fresh start in 2020.

The world around us seems to crumble from the impeachment hearings, crime rates soaring, and the loss of faith. We desperately long for someone to hold onto that brings hope, peace, and security into the new year.  The question is where can you find this hope from the stresses of our world?  While the things of this world make promises that can’t be kept, hope is given to us through Christ. The Lord will not disappoint. 

What does this new start look like?

  1. Accept Christ as your savoir or renew your commitment to Christ
  2. Select music, movies and books that will inspire you to grow in your faith
  3. Attend church and/or small group
  4. Set aside time to pray.
  5. Read and study your Bible
  6. Take time to see the beauty God has created around you.
  7. Volunteer at a food kitchen, women’s shelter, or your church
  8. Use your spiritual gifts to bless others
  9. Bless someone in your family with a random act of kindness
  10. Bake something yummy for a shut-in, neighbor, or one of the helpers at your church.

 Jeremiah 17:7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD.”


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